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Quantum computing event - UTT Troyes

03 / 02 / 2025, Troyes, Aube (10)

We are glad to invite you to a quantum computing event in Troyes.

This event is co-roganized by URCA through the CompetenceCentre CC-FR project and UTT in partnership with PhotonHub, DigiQ and FranceHQI. 

1. Basics session : on site

The quantum expert from ROMEO HPC Center (URCA) will introduce

  • A little bit of quantum computing
  • Classic computing vs quantum computing
  • Quantum gates and circuits (hands-on session)
  • Introduction to quantum programming with hands-on session on QLM hosted at ROMEO

Date : March 27th (9.00am - 5.00pm)

This session proposed by the CompetenceCentre CC-FR project is free, follow this link for registration : https://romeo.univ-reims.fr/limesurvey/index.php/269748?lang=fr

!! Number of participants is limited !!

2. Democenter tour

visit of the L2n (Laboratory of Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies) is proposed on the following day (March 28th). Four experimentations are scheduled :

  • Hands-on a 2qubits computer
  • Quantum optic and photonic alignment
  • Production of photons/entangled 2qubits
  • Introduction to quantum key distribution

Date : March 28th (8.30am – 5.30pm)

Fees applies (500 euros), follow this link for registration : https://romeo.univ-reims.fr/limesurvey/index.php/539785?lang=fr

!! Number of participants is limited !!

Toutes les actualités MésoNET